“It was all a dream…” In October 2019, I had another a peer-reviewed article published in the Texas Association for Literacy Education’s Yearbook. It was an article that began as a presentation session at TALE’s 2019 Annual Conference held in Waco, Texas (February 28th -March 2, 2019) . Read the brief abstract below, and follow the link to read the rest of the article:
“D.R.E.A.M. Literacy” represents several pieces necessary to address and provide quality learning experiences and equitable literacy instruction for all. The article delves into five sections that will provide examples of “D.R.E.A.M” (Diversity, Relevance, Engagement, Access, Motivation) being implemented into instruction, and encourages support for using diverse texts, popular culture and technology, and multimodal resources. The article seeks to empower educators to reach out to parents, and address teaching literacy skills beyond the traditional literacy curriculums that are adopted in school districts across the country. As populations in classrooms continue to grow more diverse, this article embraces and supports the changing demographics by making literacy accessible and engaging. Keywords: literacy, diversity, accessibility, engagement, motivation, culturally responsive teaching
Scan QR Code for Article: “D.R.E.A.M. Literacy: Enhancing the Literacy Experience for Diverse Populations” * Go to Chapter 9, Page 66 of the Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook Volume 6: October 2019

TAMUC Internship Presentation (Prezi, Nov. 2019)
D.R.E.A.M. Literacy Forum for resources/discussion
DREAM Literacy Waco Presentation (Prezi, Feb. 2019)